Monday, February 22, 2010

Strength of a Tree

So, I'm new to this whole blogging world--bear with me :) Brent started this for me at the beginning of the year and I never really thought much about it. As of late, the blog had been in the back of my mind and I would have things happen throughout the day that I thought would be awesome posts. The events that happened today while shopping with Beth will forever change my life and I wanted to share it for my first entry. Here it goes:

Beth and I went to Somerset shopping today in the crazy blizzarding snow storm. Can you tell we are hardcore shoppers? :) Well, as you can probably tell, we had a long car ride--2 hours to be exact. We had great conversation to have the time pass, but the best talk we had was regarding her tree bracelet pictured here (hers is silver though). She personally bought it to remind her of an epiphany she had. She was thinking one day about a tree and how when there are strong winds, that the weak branches and some of the fruit fall off and are no longer part of the tree. And then she compared that to her life. When there are strong winds in her life, which parts of her tree would fall off? Would they be the things that don't really matter, like facebook, television, and other hobbies? Or would it be things that are very important, like God, family, friends, etc.? She bought the bracelet as a reminder to herself to keep God as one of the good fruits and branches in her life.

This story got me thinking about my life lately. I have been having such a hard time with work and life and dealing with the reality that being in the real world brings. I have had some very strong winds shaking my tree for sure. And I know that I haven't had the strongest relationship with God that I should have. I have been worrying and anxious and not coping well with how to handle difficult situations. The story that Beth told me opened up my eyes to what I needed to focus on. I have been trying to figure out ways that I can deal with my emotions that I've been feeling, when really I need to focus on the foundation of my life. I need God to be my strong roots and branches and fruit so when tumultuous winds wreak havoc on life, I will know that I will be standing when the winds calm down. I will be stronger than ever. I love this verse " Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1: 2-4 NIV. I want to have that perseverance mentioned in the above verse. I want to have complete faith in God and know that I can lean on him to get through anything. Sometimes I think I put too much pressure on myself to be able to get things done, when really I can do nothing without God. I pray every day that God will provide situations for me to shine His marvelous light into people's lives. I was starting to doubt if nursing was the way I was going to be able to do this by how it was making me feel, but there couldn't be a better way that I could. With every person I take care of, I am showing God's love through my actions and my words and my kindness. With that being said, I also bought a bracelet today too just like the one pictured above. A tree will forever be a reminder to me to build my foundation in Him.

Ok, I think that should be it for tonight!

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